The Configurators the Movie (2015)

Project Type:Animation
Release Year:2015
Country & Region:Chinese mainland
Duration of Each Episode:85:00
Number of Episodes:1
Rubi is, like our young audience, an innocent kid, who, along with her play-friends, doesn’t yet understand why they have to behave this way or that. Can’t they just have fun? Well of course they can, but first they have to be safe! Or polite! Or considerate. Respectful. Etc. • Why can’t I just take what I want?  • How are you meant to use scissors?  • Electricity. Scary as death, or helpful, but just be careful.  • Death. That’s super upsetting. What’s the deal?  • I hurt myself. Why can’t I ring for an ambulance?  • If we’re allowed to laugh in the movie theatre, and scream, why can’t I talk?  The fantasy element often happens in our ‘learning ball’ which the Traffic Light throws up in the air. It spins, opens it’s wide smile, and takes our characters into a very ‘graphic world’ where they can show the kids (the audience, via Rubi and her friend(s)) by graphic examples and role playing.
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