The Legend of Zheng Chenggong (2014)

Project Type:Animation
Release Year:2014
Country & Region:Chinese mainland
Duration of Each Episode:22:00
Number of Episodes:52
Screenwriter:Zhang Quan
Director:Wu Jia
It is 1624, the Dutch invades and occupies Taiwan . The colonial masters of Dutch Formosa oppresses the natives, villagers and traders by attacking to conquer and then, taxing them. This invasion of China’s territory alarms the Ming Emperor on the Mainland. His sister, Princess Zhu, persuades him to hold a martial arts contest to find a capable man to appoint as general to oust the Dutch. One contestant, Zheng Chenggong, vanquishes the rest and makes general. With the help of the princess, he wins over both lieutenants of notorious pirate Tyrant Bear to turn against their master and Zheng defeats Bear to win the admiration of the imperial court and the people. Having proved his prowess as a leader and a fighter, the general takes command of his father’s ships and troops. He sails across the Taiwan Strait to attack the foreign invaders entrenched in their fortress. It is a long campaign but General Zheng Chenggong prevails over the colonial force, drives the cruel Dutch occupiers of 38 years from the island and returns Taiwan to China under the Ming Emperor in 1662. This is the story of a great man, loyal to his emperor during a turbulent time in China when enemies beset the country from within and without, entrusted with a difficult mission upon which he brings his skills in leadership and tactics to bear, with the help of friends, and through resolute determination, he returns honor to the emperor, his people and to China-a heroic feat etched in history.
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