Unicorn (Guangdong) Entertainment Culture Co., Ltd.

Unicorn Entertainment, formerly known as Guangdong Entire Brands Animation Culture Co., Ltd, operates a full industry chain around parent-child animation IP content. The business involves animation film and television project creation and investment, copyright operation, media distribution, merchandise licensing, derivatives development, production, and sales. Unicorn Entertainment has leveraged its resources and strengths in the industry to create much-told stories over the past several years. In terms of brand and media operation, animation derivatives development, and channel construction, it has gained the attention of the industry, and now is a national high-tech enterprise. Unicorn Entertainment, based on its future strategic development direction and goals, will act as the holding company for Entire Brands Animation and Longchuang Technology (a newly established company). In terms of content investment, production management, copyright operation, media distribution, etc., it creates a strong content-driven and industry-wise real estate operation mode.

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